Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Little B is 10 months already!

And his mommy finally got a picture of him that she likes! Of course, this picture was taken while Daddy was walking past our photoshoot. He saves the big grins for him.

Right after this photo, little B ate that leaf.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Little T

I am so lucky to have big and little T here with me every week! They are so sweet and so adorable. I know soon they will tire of me following them around with a camera.

This picture was taken a couple of weeks before T turns 1. I was trying to get him to clap his hands, which he does when he likes something, not when I am taking his picture.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Boy T

Since it was a nice day today, while the babies were napping, I bribed sweet little T with some candy to let me take his picture.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February First

Here are some photos I took this past weekend at the rail road tracks in Safety Harbor. We actually had to go back two days in a row to get the shots so I am thankful for my patients models. Yes, that is a rock the baby is eating :)
